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The KTP Story

The Adventure to Find Peace


Keep the Peace is a true non-profit and was founded by Trey Markel, a man who knows first hand what it means to battle with mental peace. Trey started Keep the Peace because he battled with mental health and he battled with mental peace and he found that the more he talked about peace and the more he saw peace, the more peaceful he became. Mental health is where all problems start and if we can help the people of this world find control and peace, then the world would be a better place for everyone.

Our Goals

Here at Keep the Peace we have the goal of trying each and everyday to promote healthy mental peace in any way we can. As a new company, our first goal to spread the word is to simply talk about mental health more than we are today. Mental health and mental peace are no where near talked about enough. Often times we find ourselves scared or nervous to talk about such things because of fear or judgement or not being understood.

Once we see the conversations being had and noticed, our second goal is to build the foundations of what we would like to see be a community of peace keepers all supporting each other to continue down the road of good mental health.

Our Mission

Keep the Peace is a non-profit that focuses on helping the people of this world find mental peace within themselves. Peace can be found in so many ways. We are on an adventure to find them all. Once you find your peace, how can you help others find theirs.

No matter how you think, how you live your life, or what you believe……always Keep the Peace.

We are always looking for new Keep the Peace volunteers and team members. If you feel how we feel, join us. We would love to have you.




People are what make our beautiful world go round. Without people nothing happens and nothing can happen. People are who can help us walk down the right path in our minds.


In order to believe mental peace can be a reality for each one of us, we must be able to visualize it. We want you to dream about where you want to be mentally and how you can get there.


It’s hard to keep the mind from going down the roads we don’t want it to go down. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to keep our minds on the positive path. Strength is key.


Peace is what we all eventually long for. Peace in our lives, peace in our hearts, and peace in our minds. It can be reached in so many different ways. Which way works best for you?

Make peace. give back.